Sustainability in Focus: Our Responsibility for a Better Future

Our Strategies for Sustainable Growth and Environmental Protection

When we talk about ecology, many immediately think of climate protection. However, environmental protection encompasses much more: it includes avoiding environmental pollution and, above all, recycling.

Economic sustainability also plays a crucial role: it aims to promote resource-efficient economies and social justice without hindering economic growth. Jobs should be secure, and investments must pay off in the long term.

Renewable Energies

We operate our processes entirely with renewable energy. Photovoltaic panels ensure that we feed more energy into the grid than we consume over the course of the year (Net-Zero). Any remaining energy needs are met with green electricity.

Resource-friendly through recycling

We rely on comprehensive recycling of all materials, from aluminium and steel to paper and film. In the development phase, we ensure that every step of our production process is resource-efficient. We implement take-back programs for many packaging materials such as cardboard tubes to support the circular economy.

Suppliers with environmental standards

When making purchases, we focus on sourcing products and services from suppliers who promote environmentally friendly practices and fair working conditions. This includes in the foreseeable future also selecting raw materials from renewable sources, minimizing waste, and using energy-efficient technologies

Durable and recyclable quality

We offer durable, recyclable products because we believe that in the longerm quality is not only environmentally friendly but also money-saving.

United for a Sustainable Society:
Responsibility and Commitment at NOVAVERT

Our company places great value on social responsibility, both towards our employees and the community. We have initiated several projects to be a role model as a company and positively influence our society. We thank all our partners and employees for their support and commitment, without which these important projects would not be possible.

Employee Relations

As a family business, we see ourselves as a corporate family. Our employees not only stay with us for a long time, but are also actively involved in decision-making. We value their experience and foster equal participation in the team, enabling flexible solutions for personal and professional commitments.

Cooperation with Ledder Working Groups

We are proud of our long-standing cooperation with Ledder Working Groups, an institution that provides comprehensive vocational and social support to adults with intellectual, psychological, or severe multiple disabilities. Through this collaboration, we contribute to the appreciation and integration of people with disabilities in our society.

Diversity strengthens us

Inclusion is more than just a word to us. We actively strive to provide opportunities for people with physical limitations and consciously employ individuals who face these challenges. We believe that diversity and inclusion enrich and strengthen our company.

Long-term Sponsorships for children in need

Another important aspect of our social commitment is supporting children in need. We have taken on long-term sponsorships for two children through SOS Children’s Villages, accompanying them until they reach adulthood and enabling them to grow up in a safe and stable environment.

Strengthening regional ties

Sport brings people together and fosters team spirit. That’s why we support the local football club SC Falke Saerbeck, for example, by sponsoring the team jerseys. This commitment reflects our connection to the region and our interest in strengthening local sports and the community.